So, this morning when taking the MTR to work as usual, I was scrolling through my phone for some entertainment for the 20-minutes long ride, and when clicking into my Big Day app, I realized that I’m actually already halfway through my Hong Kong adventure, and only got 60 days left to explore this city! Kinda crazy how time goes by, and although I have been super busy and doing a lot of things all the time, I still feel like there’s so much more to the city that I need to explore.
So to make sure that I make the most of my last 60 days in Hong Kong, I’ve decided to make a little bucket list for things I have to do before going back to Denmark.
{All photos found on Google Images}
Hong Kong Bucketlist
Visit Man Cheung Po’s Infinity Pool
Visit Taichung (Taiwan) and Seoul (South Korea)
Visit the different markets in Mongkok
See the pink dolphins
Visit the Hello Kitty café
Try an egg waffle
Try an egg waffle
Visit Disneyland for Halloween and Christmas
Visit a puppy cafe (yep, that’s a thing)
Explore more of the new territories
Go kayaking
Explore more of the new territories
Go kayaking
Please let me know, if there’s something that you think I definitely have to check out before leaving Hong Kong!
8 svar til “60 days left”
hello kitty cafe? that sounds so fun! And puppies, definitely a must! Make sure you buy beauty products out there too, I hear they are amazing!
Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥
Pinke delfiner, en Hello Kitty café og en café med hundevalpe.. intet af det lyder jo helt dårligt. Krydser fingre for billeder fra alle stederne 😀
Du kan finde en masse modetøj i Hong Kong. Jeg elsker tur, og jeg ønsker at rejse til Hongkong en dag
Det ser virkelig godt ud. Rigtig fine billeder 🙂 Håber du får det bedste ud af dine sidste 60 dage i Hong Kong! //Julie ( )
I am so so jealous that you get to spend that much time in such a magical city!! I can't wait to read about what else you do
xx, Pia
Åh, jeg håber virkelig at du får et ligeså godt indtryk af Seoul som vi fik! Der er i hvert fald nok af beauty-butikker at gå amok i 😉 Glæder mig til at følge med i dine kommende Hong Kong-oplevelser!
60 dage lyder umiddelbart som mange dage, men som du selv skriver, så flyver de jo hurtig af sted! Hvor er det smart med en Hong Kong to-do liste. Kan allerede nu se, at der er et par steder, som jeg glæder mig til at høre mere om fx.Hello Kitty café! :*D
[…] I’m gonna continue this way, and try to do and see as much as possible in Hong Kong during my last two months […]