10 photos that will make you want to visit Hong Kong

10 photos that will make you want to visit Hong Kong

Having lived in Hong Kong the past two months has truly made me fall completely in love with the place. Before arriving in Hong Kong, I honestly didn’t have high expectations. I knew Hong Kong was a huge city with 7 million people living in very little space, and that it was a true shopping, night life and dining mekka. But in reality, it has turned out that the city has so much more to offer than I could ever imagine. So much culture, so many surprises and such amazing nature just a few minutes from the centre of this vibrant city.

Not convinced yet? Then let me show you 10 picture that are definitely gonna make you want to visit Hong Kong.

Lets admire the beauty of the city from above…

… from the seaside…

… or from one of the many parks hidden inside the city

There are surprises hidden around every corner

 Not much of a city person? Why not climb one of the many mountains in the city?

Or spend a day at one of the many beaches?

There’s always something to do

So much culture to dive into

Always something to eat

 And places that you’d never expect to find in any other metropolis



Rejseblog om at rejse til Hong Kong | Guides, expatliv, tips og inspiration



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6 svar til “10 photos that will make you want to visit Hong Kong”

  1. REPLY: Det kan jeg sandelig godt forstå. Nu hvor Michelle og jeg er begyndt at komme lidt mere rundt i Danmark, så har det virkelig åbnet vores øjne for, hvor meget skøn natur vi egentlig er gået glip af. Det må udforskes og nydes noget mere 😀 Ihhh jeg har slet ikke haft tid til at følge med i dit kinesiske eventyr – det må jeg lige få gjort inden så længe (:

    I will be back, soon <3

  2. Virkelig godt indlæg, Camilla! Så fin og inspirerende måde stille det op på – nu ærgrer jeg mig bare endnu mere over at vi kun havde tre dage til at opleve byen, kulturen og maden. Heldigvis tog vi også afsted med en god mavefornemmelse og en lille forelskelse 😉

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