2015 has been quite an exciting year for me. I’ve been doing tons of travelling, I moved out of my beloved apartment through 4 years and back in with my parents, before I started the most amazing journey through China with my boyfriend, and I finally ended up in Hong Kong, where I got to spend four months working as an intern. The last two weeks of the year has been quite hectic – hence the lack of updates in here. I returned to Denmark on December 19th and over the next 9 days I was super busy with working in Matas and of course catching up with my family and friends during the holidays. On the 29th, I was out of the country again to spend New Years with Ollie in France, and I still have a few more days left here before I’m heading back to Denmark again.
Anyways, here’s a little overview of my 2015:
Top 5 highlights
1. Ollie and I lived in the same country for 8 months, when he worked as an intern in Esbjerg
2. January sales in London
3. Hiking to Preikestolen and hanging out with my best friend for the first time in 1 1/2 year!
4. Catching up with Olivier’s family in the Alps
5. Travelling through China with Ollie and spending 4 months as an intern in Hong Kong
Blogging highlights
1. Launched Cammi.dk on January 6th – one year ago tomorrow!
2. Been changing out the layout and header of the blog a million times since then, and still working on getting that perfect layout to represent me and my blog
3. Started uploading a few travel videos on Youtube, and the great response has definitely inspired me to continue doing more videos in the new year
4. I got to work with some pretty great brands in 2015, the last of the year being Irresistible Me.
5. Finally, I’ve got to know so many wonderful people through my blog, and honestly I gotta say that all your comments definitely is the best thing about being part of the blogging universe.
2015 in numbers
6: The number of countries I’ve visited this year
11: Flights taken this year
130: Days I spent in China and Hong Kong
148: Uploads to Instagram
144: Uploaded blogposts
8: Kilos gained since January (oops)
147: Followers on Bloglovin
1121: Followers on Instagram
Personal accomplishments
1. As some of you know, I was in the beginning of the year struggling with a minor depression, which meant that I did my studies from home. Yet, I still managed to finish off my 8th semester much better than expected, and I also ended it with the message that I was going to spend the next semester interning in Hong Kong.
2. After having struggled with my depression, I decided to focus more on being good to myself, instead of pleasing everybody else. I’ve only been doing things that I wanted to do, and this has left me as a much happier and healthier person.
3. Although I’ve been enjoying my studies since the beginning four years ago, I have still been a little worried about what’s gonna happen when I graduate, as most people around me seem to already have everything planned out. I have spent much time trying to figure out what exactly I want to do this year, and the decision is something that I’m very excited to share with you all. But this will have to wait for another post. Annoying, I know 😛
Thanks so much to you all for the great support through 2015 and the first year of Cammi.dk! I hope you all have had a wonderful beginning to the new year, and I’m looking so much forward to sharing another year with y’all!
3 svar til “2015 IN REVIEW”
Oh wow! you did so much! And 8 kilos doesnt even show 😉 you still look amazing! Hope your 2016 is an even greater one! Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥
Det lyder som om du har haft et spændende år. Glæder mig til at læse videre i det kommende år. Jeg står selv i den situation at jeg er færdig med uddannelsen til sommer, og jeg er stadig i gang med at finde ud af hvad der så skal ske 😉 Glæder mig da til at høre hvad du er kommet frem til. Håber du får et fantastisk år 2016. <3 Nikoline
[…] home. In my case, it also means that I finally will be able to live in the same place as Ollie. The other day I made a little teaser for my plans post-graduation, and although many things can change, I still […]