Time to up my blogging game!
If you don’t follow me on Instagram, you probably have no idea what I have been up to the past month, so here’s a little update. First of all, I returned from Hong Kong on December 19th, and spent about 10 days working and enjoying the Holidays with my family. On January 29th, I headed to the French Alps to spend the New Year and a few much needed days with Ollie. I came back to Denmark Sunday night, and have since then been working on a little project for school, along with writing the contract for my Master’s thesis, which I handed in yesterday morning. But now I am home for good(ish) and ready to create a bunch of great content for you all. Some of the post that you can look forward to over the next few weeks are a few beauty hauls, a bunch of travel posts and city guides for the places we visited in China, and also some videos once I get my camera fixed. Also, I’m gonna do a little bit of work on the layout of the blog, so please excuse the mess!

I hope you’re all doing well!